What is ‘bad’?

Is there something we can declare ‘bad’, and should we eliminate it?

  • What when it comes to emotional examples like Hitler? Can we really claim Hitler was necessary or ‘not bad’?
  • Can we say that everything plays a role in the larger whole - even the things that are ‘bad’, and still take action in the now to reduce suffering?

Is suffering ‘bad’?

What is the role of suffering? What about the ‘real negative charge’ of it that we all can experience: should it be avoided? How do we know what is bad ‘in the bigger picture’, given often what is labelled and identified as ‘bad’ can lead to things that are good. 
  • Alan Watts
    1. story of the salad and the snail. Is this nihilism justified, given the real pain and suffering experienced by sentient beings? https://alanwatts.org/transcripts/clarity-of-mind/
    2. It depends on the ‘magnifying glass’. What scope are we looking at? ‘What is conflict at one level of magnification is harmony at a higher level’ Video ‘All makes sense’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwBxUQ4Fwxc Video ‘The universe makes no mistakes’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nxGozlhDDc
  • Thich Nhat Hanh’s story of the rose and the garbage. His empathy and compassion for sentient beings. 
  • Eckhart Tolle
    1. The ego 
    2. llustration of ‘maybe’ and the story of the Taoist farmer and the horse in the book ‘a New Earth’ or in this medium article citing Alan Watts
  • The big Theory of Everything by Tom Campbell: It’s all a simulation and consciousness is experiencing - the less resistance the less suffering
  • Pema Chödrön: Shenpa and getting hooked. Book: Getting unstuck.  
  • The apparent dysfunction of a caterpillar in the cocoon stage is needed for it to become a butterfly. See for example the Innovation Show and Aidan McCullen’s example here
  • Don Miguel Ruiz: Four Agreements. 

Should we take action for the thriving of all life? 

Are some emotions and states ‘bad’?

Joe Dispenza: High frequency emotions like bliss, love, etc. and lower frequency emotions like guilt, fear, anger. 
S N Goenka: How to deal with anger and negative emotions. 
Pema Chödrön: Dealing with addictions that are destructive. 
Inner Nature Training by Ramona Laich: Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy as equivalent and valid types emotions. 

Personal developmen: Should we ‘grow’ and evolve? 

Are there ‘bad’ parts in us? Are there ‘good actions’? 
Do we have a responsibility to ‘evolve’ and grow, eliminating our perceived bad/dark parts? 
What about enlightenment? Is there something to seek and go for? 
  • Book ‘Siddhartha’ by Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha’s path and Gautama Buddha - is there something to ‘improve’? 
  • Yoga: The Yamas and Niyamas
What is the role of the shadow in us? Is an addiction to something life-unfriendly part of ‘us’ and our Karma, or merely a conditioned, learnt habit? What layer of the ‘onion’ is ‘us’ and what not - where do we start and end? Should we aim to integrate the shadows and let go of the ‘bad’ parts?
What is a ‘sin’? Eckhart Tolle: “to sin means to miss the mark, as an archer who misses the target, so to sin means to miss the point of human existence.” Book: A New Earth.

What is our responsibility and duty as ‘co-creators’? 

See the page on ‘co-creating’. 
  • Alan Watts: we are responsible for everything and nothing (see Spotify and Wake Up App recordings of Alan Watts)
  • 50/50 of Mario Santoni and George the London taxi driver. We are co-creating. Intention matters, and action matters. At the same time we are surrendering to the unfolding of life.