
The intention of this portfolio is to provide an overview of potential areas for collaboration.

Naturally, the experiences below have been co-creations by many people. I am grateful that I could be part of the following teams and projects:

Recent work

In close collaboration with Sarra Ganouchi from Reform, I am supporting organisations to co-create the new and use business as a force for good - especially focusing on circular economy, innovation and regenerative practices. 

For more details check out Reform’s website, including recent projects with 

Design and innovation tools

Tailored innovation tools and processes in companies

Together with Sarra, I have supported FREITAGVitra and the City of Zurich with tailored innovation tools and processes - bringing in learnings from the creation of the Circular Design Guide, examples of other tools and best practices in the circular design ecosystem. We developed creative prompts and tips for the innovation teams during the concept creation and development stages. The tools are now being used in the creation of new products and services, as well as the re-design of current product ranges.


As a project manager at ecos, I am hepling to co-create allyCE - your ally for a Circular Economy - with a wonderful team across organisational borders. We have launched a first prototype of the plattform for coaches and Swiss companies to drive circular economy innovation. In the initial phase we are testing it with the coaching network be-advanced and the canton of Bern. However, we aim to further develop allyCE with other regions and networks.  

Our intention, as outlined in the manifesto, is to contribute to the circular economy transition and a regenerative business paradigm in Switzerland. We aim to disseminate implementation knowledge to many companies so that they don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

We do this through
  • structured, SME-oriented ‘solution patterns’ consisting of prompts and guiding questions, tips from pioneers and entrepreneurs, modular steps, circular focus topics, and links to specific financing options, 
  • in-person coaching and,
  • matchmaking with potential partner companies, experts and scientific competence centres. 

Source: allyCE.ch

Circular Design Guide

As a project manager at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, I have helped co-create the Circular Design Guide in collaboration with IDEO. This tool combines design thinking with circular economy principles and has been accessed by 500,000 people from 150 countries since its launch in 2017.

You can freely access the methods and resources on the Circular Design Guide, now integrated into the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, IDEO


On Shoes: Circularity strategy 2030

We supported On with their «Circularity Strategy 2030» and identification of priorities as starting point for the circularity roadmap.
More details here.

Confidential client: Circularity roadmap

Together with Sarra Ganouchi from Reform, I supported an international business in its creation of a 2030 roadmap to achieve its ambitious circular economy commitments. Through shared working sessions, we
  • reviewed the building blocks of successful circular transformations and assessed the business across key dimensions using our Circular Economy Assessment framework
  • looked at best practices across these building blocks, connected the client with pioneers for exchange and shared a compilation of practical resources
  • discussed the necessary set-up for radical and incremental innovation to reach 2030 goals
  • defined six steps on the 2030 journey and key elements of the leadership narrative and programme

The strategy project was followed by an invitation to create capability-building sessions for the innovation teams.

Circular strategy workshops and cards

Building on the development of the Circular Design Guide, the Circular Strategy Cards and workshop packages support organisations in redesigning their products and business models for a circular economy.

You can download the circular strategies workshop here.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, IDEO, Simon Widmer, Reform

Strategy projects

As a consultant at McKinsey & Company, I supported clients in Switzerland, Germany and the Middle East across various strategy projects between 2012 and 2014.

Ecosystem building

Swiss Circular Design Ecosystem

Sarra Ganouchi and I are passionate about contributing to the ecosystem and practice of circular design. Currently, we focus on
  • supporting Pro Helvetia on circular design, such as on the Circular Design Workshop for young talents
  • collaborating with Design Prize Switzerland as nominators and on their DPS Retreat on circular design
  • hosting activities for the open community of the Circular Design Circle at the Impact Hub. You can find our resource collection here and information about our monthy gatherings here

Source: Simon Widmer, Reform

Circular Design Leaders Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

As a freelance consultant, I have helped build the Circular Design Leaders forum together with the team at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The forum is a pre-competitive space for leading companies to discuss challenges, exchange best practices, and develop circular design resources. The intention is to catalyse the circular design practice across organisations and support teams in their innovation processes.

One of our milestones in 2022 was a 3-day design sprint on the topic: How does a circular-ready organisation of the future look like? Here is a quick video summary.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Simon Widmer


As a co-founder, I have helped build the student organisation together with Kai, Stella and Pierre to facilitate volunteering for students in the education sector.

We prototyped a first project with a school and established a student organisation to support others on the journey. Since then, many generations have led and evolved P.I.E.C.E.S enabling new volunteering projects every year.


System change initiatives

Circular Design Programme, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

As Creative Lead, I have helped shape the circular design narrative and thinking at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017-2021. Circular design embeds circular economy principles in the innovation process and helps us meet customer needs decoupled from ‘linear’ material flows. Thereby it addresses systemic challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution at the root and provides us with a fresh innovation lens.

As part of this, I have been involved in collaborations with other organisations:

Find out more about the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s circular design programme and the free resources.

New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics

As a project manager, I have helped envision, research and write a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company that was launched at the World Economic Forum 2016.

It outlined a circular economy vision for the plastics industry and was the starting point for the 10-year systemic change initiative: ‘The New Plastics Economy Initiative’. The initiative today unites hundreds of global organisations behind a common vision and targets for a circular economy for plastic.

You can find the report here.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, McKinsey, World Economic Forum

Workshops and sprints

Circular Design @ Design Preis Schweiz Retreat, 2024, Sutra House Basel
Vitra x FREITAG exchanges: Circular Design Best Practices, 2024, Basel & Zurich
Circular Design Circle @ Zurich Design Weeks, 2023, Zurich
Design Preis Schweiz Retreat: ‘Circular Design’, 2023, Sutra House Basel
Pro Helvetia Circular Design Workshop, 2023, Biel
Pro Helvetia Matchmaking Event, 2023, Yverdon
Applying circular design workshop, Impact Hub, 2023, Zurich
3-day sprint with design leaders from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation network, 2022, Paris
Introduction to Circular Design, ZHAW Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, 2022, Zurich
Circular Design Assembly, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2021, Global
Circular Design Session, SHIFT Conference, 2021, Virtual
‘The Great Competition’, Design Museum, 2019, London
Circular Design Keynote and Workshop, Tongji Design Week, 2019, Shanghai
Insights on systemic change, Systemic Design Conference, 2018, Torino
Circular Futures Lab, British Council, 2018, London
IKEA Democratic Design Days, 2018, Lugano

Source: Simon Widmer

Photo Tongji Design Week 2019

Photo Design Preis Schweiz, Retreat 2024, Sutra Haus

Source: allyCE.ch

Focus areas: Circularity Design - Living Lighter - Yoga
Towards a world of thriving